Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Jesus: Light of the World (And a Writing Opportunity!)

-Roy Lessin, Jesus Name Above All Names

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." -John 8:12 NKJV

The world is a dark place. There are many false lights that beckon us: Look to me. Follow me. If we attempt to walk by "false lights" (2 Corinthians 11:14), we only go deeper into darkness. But there is a Light that shines brighter than any lighthouse and can save any battered vessel from being smashed upon the rocks of sin. Jesus, the Light of the World, will always banish the darkness of selfishness, evil, fear, confusion, bondage, and dead religion.

When Moses built the Temple, he followed God's pattern. There was an outer court which had the natural light of the sun; there was the inner court which had the light of the menorah; there was the holy of holies which had the light of the glory of God. The glory of God was the light of His presence.

The light that Jesus brings to us can only come from His presence within us. Jesus said that His light is the light of life. He lights up the deepest place within us—where we live, move, and have our being. When His light is in us we are spiritually alive. His light in us means that every step we take is a step of life. Following His light doesn't rob us, it restores us; it doesn't sadden us, it gladdens us; it doesn't weaken us, it strengthens us.
©2011, 2020 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. All rights reserved.

A Writing Opportunity!

As we turn the corner to Thanksgiving, we wanted to open up an opportunity to have you, our readers, share your thoughts on "Thankful and Grateful". 

Please read the guidelines carefully! 

1. This is open to all of Roy's followers here at Meeting in the Meadow on Facebook, and our blog at Each author may only submit one selection. 

2. Submissions must be on the topic of "Thankful and Grateful" and must be within 100-200 words and E-mailed with the subject heading "Thankful and Grateful" to meetinginthemeadow(at)gmail(dot)com (replace words in parenthesis with proper symbols). 

3. A minimum of 3 submissions will be chosen to share here on Meeting in the Meadow. Each submission chosen to share will receive a copy of Roy's new release, "Psalm 23: Verse by Verse and Thought by Thought" by Roy Lessin, in either e-book or print. Writers selected from within the U.S. will be given a choice of e-book or print. Writers selected outside of the U.S. may only receive an e-book copy, and it must be emailed to an active Kindle account. No exclusions. 

4. Submissions must be original to the author and will be checked for plagiarism. Submissions must be received by November 16th, 2020. Selected Authors will be contacted with a request for permission to edit and share, and we must receive their permission prior to sharing the week of November 23rd-27th, 2020.

5. All selections are final. This event has no connection to Google Blogger, or Facebook, and is meant in goodwill to inspire and encourage thankfulness and gratefulness. 


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