Sunday, November 1, 2020

The 3 Windows (A NEW devotion from Roy!), and an announcement!

Hello Friends!

Roy is often writing new material, and we wanted to take a moment to catch our breath and share one of his new posts today. We will continue with the series, "Jesus Name Above All Names" on Wednesday.

If YOU are a writer, we want to invite you to participate in an opportunity to share your heart on the topic of "Thankful and Grateful..." We will include the guidelines on Wednesday's post, so don't send anything to us yet! I wanted to just give a little warning to check back! 

As I said on Friday, I am taking a break from our "LIVE Readings" this week. I will return on next Monday to spend time with you again on Facebook LIVE. Please feel free to continue to send your prayer requests and needs, so we can pray with you and for each other! We are a community of Christians here and we can demonstrate God's love for each other by praying for each other. As Jesus said, "Love God. Love people." (my paraphrase of Mark 12:30-31 and Matthew 22:36-40). 

Have a blessed week, and enjoy this new devotion from Roy!

Grace and peace,

The 3 Windows 


At home I have a favorite window to look through. It’s the one in the living room. From it I have a perfect view of our backyard garden. At the moment, Zinnias and Black Eyed Susans have taken center stage. Our garden is presently visited daily by butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, American Goldfinch, and a frisky young rabbit. It all makes for quite a delightful show!


I have another window in my house that gives me a very different view. It’s the window of technology. From my TV and iPad the world comes streaming in. What I see often saddens me and makes me wonder where things are heading. Clearly there are more problems than answers, more sorrows than joys, more strife than peace, more anger than love, and more despair than hope.

Thankfully, I have a third window to look through. It is the window of Truth. It brings me breathtaking, heart-stirring, faith-building views of God and His Kingdom. This window is opened to me daily by the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. What I see quiets my heart, gives me courage to press on, gives me confidence in prayer, renews my strength, and comforts me with the certainty of God’s eternal plan. 


This view also brings before me the face of Jesus Christ. It is the face of love. It is the face of my Shepherd, my Redeemer, my Friend, and my coming King. 


From my view Jesus’ voice can also be heard. He is saying, “Continue to look to me and wait for me. Continue to be faithful where I have placed you. Don’t be troubled, anxious, or afraid. I am with you. Take heart. I have overcome the world." 
©2020 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. All rights reserved.

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