Monday, July 11, 2022

My Morning Prayer: Everyday Tips for Living

My Morning Prayer: Everyday Tips for Living
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow


The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel [so that he may be able to steer his course rightly]. Proverbs 1:5 AMP

  1. Don’t ever lose heart; God will never give up on you.
  2. Never let your heart run out of thankfulness.
  3. Don’t feel inferior to anyone. God made only one of you.
  4. Don’t carry around worry, fear, or anxiety. They are the thieves of peace.
  5. Hold things loosely. They are temporary.

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Thank You, Father, that You have not given up on me. Continually remind me that You have created me, chosen me, chased after me, and cherish me more than anyone or anything else in this world. You made me uniquely, and no one else is like me. Your creation of me was intentional and with care. You have set this day— this week, before me, and I am grateful that You will walk with me no matter what is coming my way. 

Father, remind me that I do not have to hold worry, fear, or anxiety in my hands. You alone know what the future holds, and I can trust You to bring good things to pass. The things I am worried about may not turn out the way I am wanting them to, but they will certainly turn out the way that You want them to. Increase my faith to believe that the way things will go are the best for me today and every tomorrow. What I ask for today is so short sighted—but You alone can provide the best for me long term. I trust You with my future. I need You for today. I trust You with all my tomorrows, until I am with You in the heavenlies.

In Jesus' name, amen.
#mymondayprayer #everydaytipsforliving #prayer #devotion #roylessin #marinabromley #meetinginthemeadow

©2022 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Everyday Tips for Living is adapted from Roy Lessin's devotional, A Place At His Table, available at DaySpring and Christian retailers everywhere.

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