Friday, August 21, 2020

Today is Your Best Day Because of Heaven

For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for His children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. -1 Peter 1:4 NLT

If you are alive on this earth when Jesus Christ returns, you will be caught up to be with Him forever. What a day that will be! If you were to die today, before the Lord returns, this would still be your best day. Your last day upon this earth will be your first day in heaven. The Bible tells us that to be "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I recently heard a preacher say, "I don't care what method God uses to get me to heaven, just as long as He gets me there."
In heaven you will go from a temporary life to an eternal life; From a world of darkness to a place of everlasting light: From a life of walking by faith to a life of seeing Jesus face-to-face; From a life of knowing in part to a life of knowing even as you are known.
In heaven all your tears will be wiped away, all your sorrows will vanish from view, all your weaknesses will be swallowed up in His majesty, and all your suffering will give way to eternal shouts of joy.
My dad was raised in an orthodox Jewish home. He first came to know the Lord at the age of forty. He found a Gideon Bible in a Las Vegas hotel room, stole it, read it for three months, and while reading the book of Isaiah, discovered that Jesus was his Messiah. He lived until the age of eighty-nine. Throughout his Christian life he longed to be with Jesus in heaven. When he sent out letters he would often include these words instead of the date: "One day closer to glory!"
I went to visit him during his last few days on earth. The doctor had told my dad he was suffering from an advanced case of leukemia and only had a few days to live. When my dad heard the doctor's report he got all excited. "Really!" he exclaimed, "you mean I get to go be with Jesus?" My dad began telling people who visited him, "Before you go, let me give you my new address."
Just before my dad passed into a state where he could no longer communicate, a young couple came to his bedside. The young man was quiet and his wife was in tears (my dad had recently led her to Christ). My dad immediately reached out his hand to her and said, "No tears. This is what it's all about. We serve the Lord here on earth for a few years and then we get to be with Him in heaven."
When my dad finally passed out of this life and into the realities of heaven, all of us who had gathered at his bedside gave out a shout of joy in celebration of his homecoming. We all knew that he had arrived at the place where he always wanted to be.
This is the hope all believers in Jesus have. This is the hope that makes every day your best day! ... Thank you for joining us for the reading of Because of Jesus Today is Your Best Day, by Roy Lessin. If you would like to purchase a hard-bound copy of it, please use our affiliate link to DaySpring, or contact a Christian bookstore near you. ©2020 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. All rights reserved.

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