Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Unto You, Part 3: A Child Is Born, a Son Is Given

Unto You, Part 3: A Child Is Born, a Son Is Given
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

The earthly life of Jesus Christ began in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, but before that time He was alive, not on earth, but in heaven. He was alive because He has always been. He is eternal. He is God. When He left heaven and came to earth He was given the name “Jesus” which means “the One who saves from sin.” Before that time, when He was with His Father in heaven, He was known to us by many other names. Some of those names were Yeshua, Jehovah, I Am, The Word, Holy One, Captain of the Lord’s host, and Messiah. He was there, in the beginning, making the world and all that is in it. Everything was created by Him, and for Him.
When He came to earth it was the most miraculous thing that had ever happened since creation. His life entered the life of a virgin named Mary. The Holy Spirit did this miraculous work within her. When Jesus entered the world as a baby He was God come in the flesh. He was Mary’s baby, but He was God’s Son. The Creator entered creation as a man. Why did He do it? He came because His Father sent Him—not to impress us with His miracle power so that He could entertain us, not to educate us so that we could learn more facts about heaven, and not to provide us with new rituals so that we could become more religious. He came because we had sinned and needed to be forgiven, because God wanted us brought back into a loving, holy, caring relationship with Himself, and because the only way that we could ever be reconciled to Him was by His Son coming and offering up His body as a sacrifice for our redemption.
What incredible love is in the heart of God for you. Jesus came as a visible expression of that love…nothing is deeper than that love. He came so that you could have sweet communion with Him…nothing is sweeter than that communion. He came to be your companion always…nothing is nearer than that companionship. He came so that His presence could be within you…nothing is dearer than that presence.
Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14 NKJV).

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©2023 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley. Used with permission, all rights reserved.

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