Monday, June 26, 2023

My Morning Prayer: His Words for Today's Need

My Morning Prayer: His Words for Today's Need
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley

His Words for Today’s Need
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow


Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16 KJV


Do you need comfort? Let His words console you.

Do you need guidance? Let His words give you wisdom.

Do you need encouragement? Let His words bring you hope.

Do you need gladness? Let His words delight you.

Do you need stillness? Let His words speak peace to you.

Do you need confidence? Let His words build you up.

Do you need daily bread? Let His words feed your hungry heart.

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Lord God, as I come to you in the quiet of this morning, help me turn my attention to You. You are amazing, and have created so much for my benefit, beyond what I could ever ask or think.

As I draw near to You and consider the things said above, open my hands as I release situations to You, and help me to have the courage and patience to sit at Your feet and seek Your word and Your will.

May I be comforted. May I be filled with wisdom and hope. May I delight in You, no matter what is going on around me. May I feel Your peace that passes understanding.

Father, increase within me. I want to be filled with You, and content in You. May Your will be done. In Jesus' name, amen.

#mondayprayer #mymondayprayer #prayer #roylessin #meetinginthemeadow

©2023 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Prayer and photo by Marina Bromley. Used with permission, all rights reserved.

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