Monday, May 1, 2023

My Morning Prayer: Prayer of Help, Protection, and Deliverance

My Morning Prayer: Prayer of Help, Protection, and Deliverance
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

Lord, I thank You that You are a Warrior, and You never know defeat; You are a Conqueror and every enemy is under Your feet; You are a Deliverer and every foe will sound retreat.

I thank You, O God, that You preserve me. I take refuge in You and I am safe from every cloud of darkness, from every voice of condemnation, from every thought of defeat and despair. I put my trust and confidence in You alone. I lean on You, for You will not falter of faint. You are my support and keep me from falling. You are my high tower and keep me from fleeing. You are my confidence and keep me from fearing.

Thank You, God, for being with me, beside me, behind me, and before me. You are always at my right hand and keep me secure. What joy it brings to know that when I call to You, You answer me. You are my perfect refuge from every storm and battle.

Thank You for being my sure place, and for providing me with the safe place under the shadow of Your wings. Lord, arise and rescue me from all evil, from every lie, and from every bondage. I stand upon You as my rock, I abide in You and my fortress. You are my covering. You are my shield. Thank You for saving me and for rescuing me from my enemies. You always hear my cry for help. Amen.

#mymondayprayer #prayerofhelp #drawingnear #roylessin #meetinginthmeadow #dayspring 

©2023 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow, DaySpring. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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