Monday, August 15, 2022

My Morning Prayer: Patience

My Morning Prayer: Patience
-Roy Lessin and Marina Bromley

Patience, A Place at His Table
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness. Colossians 1:11 KJV

Patience is the result of a life that is submitted to God’s will. We become impatient when we replace God’s timetable with our own. God doesn’t need to hurry up or catch up, because His timing is always perfect. When we become impatient we want to make things fit into our own schedule. This can quickly open the door to anger and frustration.

Patience and contentment are very closely related. While contentment frees us from murmuring and complaining, patience frees us from fretting and striving. A contented heart will bring forth thankfulness, and a patient heart will bring forth calmness. You will have a quiet heart when contentment and patience are abiding within.

My Morning Prayer
-Marina Bromley

Lord, the world has been rushing around me and I am asking You to help me to slow down right now. Help me to take a deep breath and seek Your face—full of mercy, gentleness, peace. Help me to dwell in the shadow of Your wing in this very moment.

Every little thing seems to push for my attention—relationships, tasks, even things that should be relaxing and enjoyed I am having to rush through to accomplish. I feel like I'm in a competition to finish things first and fast, help me to slow down to enjoy see Your hand working inside my heart and beside me. I don't want to just check things off my list but to seek You as each item comes up and to see Your purpose in why it is happening.

In the areas of suffering within me and around me with those I love (and even those I do not know) please help me to trust Your timing and purpose. Remind me of how Jesus spent time during His darkest days, seeking Your face, taking intentional time with You. Show me the details of these days that matter, where You would have me take time to be intentional, sitting at Your feet, falling on my face in worship, seeking Your truth in Your Word.

I trust You with my good days and my not-so-good days. I trust You with my schedule, with the details of my to-do list, with the traffic and the delays and disappointments. I want to trust You with each difficulty and also with the joys of each day—the unexpected and unexplained things that can lift my spirit and draw me closer to You. Help me to see the little miracles that You are bringing to me and help me to not rush by them, but to savor them, and to give You praise for them, these little gifts just for me.

Help me to be patient in my postponements and content in the circumstances. I need to be wholly focused on Your timing in my life, and want to delight in each moment You walk with me, no matter where we are. Thank You for your promises. In Jesus' name, amen.


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©2022 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved.

A Place at His Table by Roy Lessin is available at Christian retailers and online through DaySpring. 

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