Monday, September 27, 2021

My Morning Prayer: Nearness

We are excited to expand our series, “My Monday Prayer” to include intercessory prayers. These prayers were adapted from Roy's book, Prayers of Promise, to pray over children in our lives; our children, grandchildren, kids in our classrooms, children in our neighborhoods, even the coming generations! We ALL started off as “children” so there is no age limit to the “kids” we pray for. Let us grow in our faith as we pray for others to know Him in new ways and a deeper relationship. - Marina, for Meeting in the Meadow

My Morning Prayer: Nearness
-Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow

And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting, solemn pledge, to be a God to you and to your posterity after you…and I will be their God. -Genesis 17:-7-8 AMP

Father, according to Your covenant promise to Abraham, to always be our God and the God of our children, I ask that You will reveal Yourself to the hearts of these children and fulfill Your covenant promises to them.

You are the God who is faithful to every generation who loves and puts their trust in You. I thank You that You have shown Your faithfulness to generations past in countless ways and at countless times; that You have shown Your faithfulness to me, in my generation; and that You will show Yourself faithful to the generation to come.

I thank You that I can put my complete trust in You to be the God of these children at all times and in all ways. Be their God in their going out and coming in; in their choices and decisions of life; in their waiting times and busy times; in their happy times and in their times of sorrow; in their times of testing and in their times of celebration. I know that because You are always true to Your promises, these children will always find You faithful as they put their trust in You.

#meetinginthemeadow #mymondayprayer #nearness #roylessin #marinabromley #prayersofpromise

©2021 Roy Lessin, Meeting in the Meadow. Photo by Marina Bromley, used with permission. All rights reserved. The book "Prayers of Promise" is available through DaySpring and Christian retailers everywhere. 

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